You may have noticed in the past week that our Twitter account has sparked to life. "What happened?" you ask? Well, for starters, we've hired someone. That's me. 
I'm Mark Burstiner, and I'm honored to be Squarespace's newest team member, and your Engagement Leader.

I think I forgot to introduce myself. I'm @markb, and I'm our new Engagement Leader. Jun 15 16:38:27 via CoTweet

If I may, for one minute, just elaborate on that title and why it's important. Right now, while digital media is causing a massive shift, brands are finally starting to get wise, and are starting to hire Community Managers. The problem with that title, as Alex Hillman has pointed out, is that communities don't need to be managed. Communities need a leader; they need someone to help bridge the gap between them and the brand, someone to listen, someone to galvanize relationships, and engage them on every platform possible. That's what I'm here to do. I'll be tweeting with you, listening, blogging, working on ways we can set your expectations more effectively, and even organizing some things we can't talk about just yet. ;)

That said, let's get down to business. I've got updates on some very frequently raised topics via Twitter:

iPad App
This is a big one, and we get a lot of requests for it. The app is in development right now, but we don't have a solid date for you. Once we have something more concrete, we'll share.

Android App
Another big one. This one isn't quite on the roadmap just yet, but we see a lot of support for it, so we're kicking the idea around and determining how best to get our look and feel onto this platform as we have on the iPhone.

Markdown Editing On iPhone
We'll do you one better. In addition to big fixes and optimizations, how about Text, HTML, Markdown, and Textile editing? There's also one more surprise, but we'll wait on that one. Don't want to give everything away. ;)

Forum Upgrades
We've tallied a number of the popular requests (for example, threaded posts) and can confirm these will make their way into our future commenting and forum system revamp.

That's all we have to share for now, but more consistent content is on the way. We want to thank you, our incredibly vibrant community, for being patient with us as we learn and grow. I can't wait to get to know as many of you as possible, and I'm looking forward to sharing more of what we have in store. Be sure to tweet, say hello, and follow @Squarespace on Twitter if you haven't already. Thanks again, and full speed ahead!
