And the Winner of the Happy Photojojo Contest Is…
Jennifer Konig! As the lucky winner, she received a website makeover (courtesy of our very own designer extraordinaire Krystyn Heide) and a free Squarespace account. Jennifer was nominated by her pal Jodi who said:
“My friend Jennifer could definitely use this! She recently quit her corporate gig and is looking to pursue photography full time. She has a web address, but it just links back to her (amazing) portfolio on flickr. It would be wonderful if you would consider giving it to her as she is an amazing photographer and fantastic person!!”
After viewing her new website, Jennifer candidly remarked “Holy crap it’s gorgeous!!! You ROCK!” Need we say more? The experience proved to be educational as well; as Jennifer uploaded new work on her site, she became more familiar with Squarespace’s formatting options and found that “the admin UI is really, really intuitive”.
Jennifer, you ROCK! We’re thrilled that you loved your new site. Enjoy!
You can view Jennifer’s stunning art on her stunning new site at: