Squarespace Student Discount
No matter the career path, it’s important for students to have an online presence that makes a lasting impression. A well-designed resume website or online portfolio can go a long way with prospective employers or potential customers.
We also understand that money can be tight when you’re in school – that’s why we’ve partnered with schools like Harvard, RISD, and FIT to offer students a 50% discount on their first year with Squarespace. Visit www.squarespace.com/students to learn more, and be sure to sign up using your university email address.
If your school has not yet partnered with Squarespace, you can easily request your school to be added to the roster. Fill out the contact form at www.squarespace.com/students that pops up after you search for your institution.
For inspiration, here are a few websites created by students on Squarespace:
Please note that our promotion is not limited to students at our partner schools: faculty, professors, and teaching assistants are also welcome to take advantage of the discount. You just need a valid school email address to get started.
If you have any questions, please direct them our way on Twitter or Facebook. We look forward to seeing what you create on Squarespace.