From the beginner to the seasoned veteran, everyone has something to learn about blogging. It is still a relatively new method of information dissemination, yet there are guides, strategies, and tips being published on the Internet every day. What ideas are out there that can help you bring in more traffic and, if you’re a business site/blog, revenue as well? I’m listing some of the sites and articles that I’ve found helpful in case you may also be looking for some good resources.
Blogger Reference Sites
Copy Blogger - Copy Blogger has some great ideas for blogging topics and strategies.
A List Apart – For web designers, bloggers, or anyone else that has site, this is an essential
Tip Lists
A lot of these tips are pretty straight forward pieces of advice that you may have heard before, but there are also some great hidden gems, so take a look.
Blog Marketing - If you want to get your blog out there and visible, it’s all about marketing.
Blog Writing - If you ever run out of ideas, this list of 101 blog tips is sure to have something inspiring for you.
Blog Outreach - This blogger outreach advice is coming from a blogger who has been successfully pitched, so it’s always good to hear about when it works and how.
Blog Profitability - Once you’ve made a name for yourself, this guide can help you make some money too.
I’m sure there are lots more out there that we all can benefit from. Please feel free to add any more that you have found useful.